Saturday, November 7, 2009

Oct. 31- The Night After My First Final

Well, one final down. I didn't talk to anyone. I felt very calm and peaceful going into it. After I had an adrenaline rush from how good it felt.
Then I drove around in search for a pumpkin shake. It took about 2 hours. Everyone was out of them! But I promised myself, if I felt well about how I did on the test, I would get a pumpkin shake.
I finally got one. But the process was draining and when I got back to the apt., I felt sad. Halloween is one of my fav. holidays. Our neighborhood in San Marcos is flooded with kids, we always run out of candy.
This year in Waco... 2 kids as pirates and 2 teens not dressed up.
Spent the night wallowing in loneliness watching seasons 1-3 of "the office" while playing solitaire.
No motivation to study for the next test. Hopefully that changes tomorrow.
I guess this just determines that I will make future Halloweens that much better. This year sucked.
Hooray for one final down.

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