Whenever they need help, I work out this wonderful outlet shop, Lladró. Well, this weekend they are having a special sale, so I'll be working a lot. I loved so many of the pieces that we just received, I just had to post them:

This one's for Sept. 11 called The Tribute

This one takes my breathe away... BEAUTY!

This piece reminds me of my dear, dear friend Jory. I miss his wit!

This one is so UGLY! It was retired in 1983, we are selling it for $400 and Lladró appraises it at $1,250. Maybe it's not that ugly...

The ballet pieces always make me want to leap with joy!

Reminds me f a crown of thorns, like they put on Jesus. It's actually part of a jewelry set, it's supposed to be a tiara.

So much detail!

The Nativity on fast food.

We've had this one forever- no one ever wants it. And I feel like the only good place for it is a museum in Utah- because Seagulls are the state bird.

He keeps your jewelry, it makes me happy.

This peacock is from 1970. It hasn't increased in value since then, it's $35. But I think it's very pretty.

This one. This is my all time favorite. I come back to it again and again (it's not part of the new shipment, but I adore it). It takes me breathe away, called "Graceful Moment".
Do you like it? Which is your favorite?
Nate served his mission in Barcalona Spain. He brought me back 3 Lladro's I love them ALL
I like the dancing one too! So pretty!
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