Monday, May 2, 2011

Restart: Beginning with Sunday

I have piles to blog about. But I want to start by blogging about yesterday.

Yesterday was a fun-filled day at the Wilde household.

First, my dear friends for José and Sara Beth came to visit. It was a short visit, because José flew to D.C. today.  Still, we had a lot of fun cooking dinner together, playing games, and just talking. So. Much. Fun.

Secondly, I graduated for the LDS Institute of Religion! I had one class to finish from before my mission and I finally did it. I know this isn't one of those things everyone does, and that most people don't think this is a big deal. But I wanted to finish what I started many years ago. So even though I don't think it makes a huge difference, or that it'll really impress anyone but myself, I'm glad that I finished it!!!

Finally, I was able to celebrate my birthday with the ones closest to me (geographically and personally). I do wish I could celebrate with my siblings, parents, etc. But that's just not possible to do when we live so far apart. So I am grateful that my friends took time out of their day to be with me.

I remember looking into their eyes as they sang me 'Happy Birthday' and thinking, "I am so blessed to have so many friends that care!"

Thank you guys! Such a great day! (Plus Osama was caught and killed! Bonus!).

Well, here are some pictures of the events! More adventures to be blogged about tomorrow.


Hilary said...

And we are grateful for YOU, too!

Cassie said...

Hope you had a happy birthday!

Anonymous said...

WOOHOO!! Congrats and happy belated birthday!