Sunday, November 10, 2013


So Friday I was particularly exhausted and did not want to go to work. On top of that, we had a 3 day weekend and so that just furthered my desire to NOT be at work.

I dragged myself there anyway. With a baby on the way I really can't afford to be taking any time off.

I am glad I did.

I met a veteran with criminal cases who is struggling to overcome PTSD. He had struggled with substance control when he first returned from his tour of duty in Afghanistan- hence the criminal cases.

Now, most of the time, drug users don't exude a desire to change. If they do- they don't do anything.

This veteran told me about his intensive treatment at the VA. He had been homeless and had gone through their program to maintain a stable home.
I could see in his eyes that he was changing and taking every opportunity to change.
We finished our discussion and I thanked him for his service.

After our conversation, I remembered my desire to not go to work.

And I said a prayer of gratitude that I got to meet such a wonderful veteran before Veteran's Day.

P at the Veteran's Day Parade yesterday

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